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No Paved Road to Freedom by Sharon Rushton

This gripping account of a young man's escape from Communist Romania has so many switch-backs, you'll have to hold on tight. The young Cornel determines to get to a free country or die trying.  Despite careful, cunning planning, the wrenching events of the long run to a new life make clear that the gulf between freedom and death is more terrifying than anyone so young could have imagined.

Jan Simpson
Yale Writing Center

A gripping and emotional tale of human frailty and perseverance and endurance under totalitarian repression, Rushton's book captures like no other the essence of Romanian Stalinism and the remarkable courage of a peasant family. The story of young Cornel Dolana and his relentless quest for freedom, is an inspiration for us all.

Lavinia Stan, PhD
Director, Center for Post-Communist Studies
St. Francis Xavier University, Canada

Compelling tale of yearning, courage, and fortitude illuminates
why so many are willing to endure so much – for freedom’s sake

What would you be willing to endure to find freedom? If it meant almost certain death, unimaginable suffering, and a wrenching separation from those you love, would you change your mind?

Such questions expose the grim yet essential truths of one man’s quest in Sharon Rushton’s newly published book No Paved Road to Freedom: A Dramatic and Inspiring Story of Human Struggle Against Overwhelming Odds – Based on A True Story.

Described as “a page turner that humanizes the struggle of communist occupation in Romania,” the book documents the extraordinary courage of Cornel Dolana and his family as they pay an incredible price for resisting communism and seeking freedom.

Cornel is twenty-one years old when he puts his escape plan into action. The price he pays is higher than he could have imagined: he endures a bullet-riddled nighttime swim across the Danube, then dehumanizing imprisonments, cruel beatings, near starvation and hypothermia, and an abiding loneliness that makes him ache. On occasion, he encounters human kindness, but he can afford to trust no one – the risks are too great.

In spite of these enormous setbacks, Cornel’s yearning for freedom keeps him relentlessly focused on his goal. No Paved Road to Freedom tells his story.

Rushton comments, “Cornel’s story is so incredible it had to be told. Today as much as ever, this book is relevant, inspiring, and helps us fully appreciate our civil liberties.”

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Author: A veteran freelance writer, Sharon Rushton’s articles have appeared in U.S. and Canadian publications. Originally from Colorado, she lives on Table Rock Lake in Missouri with her husband and two dogs.

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